Ropox Bathing & Showering
Ropox was established in1962 by the manufacturers RObert Jacobsen and POul Hansen, whose names are associated with the company name.
Ropox is a pioneer when it comes to the development of rehab products and has more than 50 years experience in providing consultancy services to institutions, therapists and users.
As early as 1967 Ropox introduced the first height-adjustable table with a tiltable tabletop. A unique table for wheelchair users as well as visually impaired and functionally disabled persons of all ages.
Since then Ropox has concentrated development on this group of users and has become one of the world’s leading specialists within the production of assistive technology products and furniture for the disabled as well as equipment for occupational and physiotherapeutic rehabilitation.

Ropox QuickWash Basin
The Ropox QuickWash is a user-friendly height adjustable washbasin ideal for confined spaces and smaller bathrooms or cloakrooms.
Elegant Design
Simple & Durable
Convenient Size

Ropox Standard Line Basin
The Ropox Standard line provides an easy to reach wash basin with a choice of 3 basins and electrical height adjustment with hidden plumbing.
Easy to operate
Accessible from seated or standing

Ropox SlimLine Wash Basin
Height-adjustable washbasin unit available with an ordinary washbasin, a disabled washbasin or a disabled washbasin with tilting facility. Range of height adjustment 60-100cm.
Electrically Operated
Height Adjustable
Wheelchair Access
Includes Mirror

Ropox Swing Basin
The Ropox Swing washbasin is probably the most user-friendly basin for wheelchair users because it can rotate and swing 180º so that you can place it in front of the toilet. Easy to use from a wheelchair or the WC for improved personal hygiene. The Swing is available in a height adjustable model and with a secure Dock.
Swing Feature
Soft Touch Material
Range of Accessories
Secure Dock

Ropox VanityLine Wash Basin
Ropox VanityLine washbasins do not compromise on either design or user-friendliness. VanityLine units have a modern and elegant look whilst being easy to use for people with limited physical capability.
Modern Elegant Appearance
Wheelchair User Friendly
Space for Toiletries

Ropox Hudson Shower & Changing Bench
The wall mounted Hudson Changing and shower bench offers electric height adjustment to provide fast, safe bathing and changing in a lying position. Accessible from a wheelchair sitting position or by hoisting.
Height Adjustable
Electrically Operated
3 Lengths Available

Ropox Mobile Shower & Changing Trolleys
The mobile and height-adjustable range of shower and changing beds from Ropox offer optimum working conditions for the caregivers and a safe and comfortable environment for the users.

Ropox Height Adjustable Bathtub
Electrically height adjustable bathtub available with or without shower stretcher. Improves the working posture or carers.
Electrically Height Adjustable
Various Sizes
Shower Top Available
Saftey Rails Available

Ropox Adjustable Toilet Lifter
The Ropox Toilet Lifter helps users and carers by providing greater support and improved mobility with the user safely seated for daily bathroom routines.
Height Adjustable
Safe & Easy To Use
Range of Accessories