Mobile Hoists
Mobile hoists are self-contained units and do not require any track installation, whilst they offer flexibility of use they do however demand more of the carer, and are really not designed for moving people distances: a ceiling track hoist; wheelchair or showerchair is better for this.
Mobile Hoists are available in a wide range of capacities and styles with models for full sling lifting and models that can be used for more active transfers such as stand-aids. Compact mobile hoists with narrower bases which are easier to move in more confined areas will have a SWL of perhaps 150 kg (23stn) and are useful in the domestic environment or for travelling with. Larger hoists which are capable of lifting over 250 kg (40 stone) give more flexible hoisting in all areas including hospital and nursing home situations with a range of patients.
Mobile hoists can be used where it is not possible to install permanent wall or ceiling fixed hoists or fit in a Gantry Track.
Features include:
- Available in a range of types and sizes
- Batteries often detach for charging purposes
- They are not permanently fixed
- Can be used in different rooms/spaces/buildings
- Transportable for traveling
- Available as sit to stand hoists (Stand-aids)
In selecting a mobile hoist, thought needs to be given to the environment where it will be used: whether there is enough room to manoeuvre it into the right position; if the legs of the hoist will fit under or around any furniture, such as a bed, bath or chair; whether the floor surface is smooth enough to allow it to operate easily: thick carpet or threshold strips are difficult to move over.
It is also important to check that they have sufficient operating range to lift the person clear of any surfaces during a transfer and perhaps also to pick them up from floor level in an emergency.
Mobile hoists need to be stored when not in use, preferably in an area where they are out of the way, and with a charging point for their battery to ensure they are ready for use when required.
Careful consideration should be given before choosing a mobile hoist and it is important to have a manual handling assessment so that every moving and handling situation is reviewed and safe solutions are found. Sometimes it is not possible to find one hoist or piece of equipment to suit every situation. Remember that, as well as meeting your transfer needs, the equipment must work effectively in the environment in which it is to be used, and your carers must be able to manage it.
The main alternatives to mobile hoists are overhead hoists. For more information on overhead hoists click here.

Guldmann Mobile Lifter
Guldmann mobile lifters are all-round lifters, and when combined with Guldmann ABC lifting slings can meet most lifting requirements for patients and disabled persons.
Wide Spanning
Low & High Lifting

Guldmann GLS5 Active Lifter - Stand Aid
The Guldmann GLS5 Active lifter - stand aid offers an easy, comfortable and safe way to raise and support patients with partial or complete control of upper body
Electric Leg Opening
155kg or 205kg

Etac Molift Hoists
The Etac Molift mobile hoists range is developed according to the principles that a mechanical lift should perform to provide security, dignity and comfort for the patient and without causing physical injuries for the user.
Lightweight Aluminium
Ergonomic Design