Height-adjustable kitchen wall and base units enable you to create an optimal and ergonomically correct working environment in kitchens of all types.
In a height-adjustable kitchen both ambulant and wheelchair or seated users, can work comfortably and safely to carry out their normal daily routines.
Many activities are performed in the kitchen:
- The basic elements of an independent and active life including preparing, cooking and eating meals
- Kitchen activities play an important part in the social relations between people
- In communal kitchens and in private homes alike, flexible solutions allow users to participate in cooking and other joint activities irrespective of differences in mobility and physical ability.
All these activities are taken away from the elderly and less able people – if they do not have an accessible kitchen.
When designing and installing an adapted kitchen there are many things to consider including:
Needs of the user:
- The user wants an active and dignified life
- The independence of the user should be stimulated
Needs of the helper:
- Providing assistance without the risk of getting ill or exhausted
- There may be several helpers with different physical characteristics
To meet the needs of both the user and helper, the facilities must be flexible
Is it a Shared Kitchen or Bathroom in an institution? – Several users / several activities.
Is it a Training Facility? -To be used for training purposes, testing of abilities and testing of layout with a view to the design of a private kitchen.
Is it Private Home? – Housing for the elderly or individual solutions in private homes for people with disabilities.
The lifting units, onto which most standard types of worktops and cupboards of your own choice are mounted, can be used in many environments:
- shared housing for people with physical and mental disabilities
- sheltered housing for the elderly
- rehabilitation centres
- private homes
- institutions
- schools
- hospitals

Ropox Diagonal Kitchen System
Kitchen wall units that are height-adjustable as well as adjustable back and forward enable you to create an optimal and ergonomically correct working environment in kitchens of all types. Ropox Diagonal and can be used when installing a new kitchen or when retrofitting an existing kitchen for continued use.
Electrically adjustable
Moves vertically and forward

Ropox Flexi Worktop Frames
A Ropox Flexi height adjustable kitchen is especially user friendly to wheelchair users. They get easy access to the worktop as it provides sufficient legroom underneath.
User Friendly
Simple to Install

Ropox Verti Basic
Ropox VertiBasic frames are manually adjusted using the JackUp handle which also operates the FlexiBasic worktop frames.
Manually Height Adjustable
For Wall cabinets

Pressalit Indivo Kitchens
Pressalit Indivo accessible kitchens allow the height of all wall cupboards and worktops to be adjusted. The lifts suit most standard kitchen components.
Height Adjustable
Fits most standard units