Guldmann ABC Slings
There are three main types of Guldmann sling, with a number of choices within each:
Active – Lifting slings that require active participation of carer and user.
Basic – Lifting slings suitable for most persons.
Custom – Lifting slings to match special needs.
Taylor Dolman’s experienced team is available to advise on the choice of slings for individual needs – please get in touch to find out more.

Guldmann Basic High
The Basic High sling supports the whole body including the head, lifting from seated and lying positions.
Supports Body and Head

Guldmann Basic Basic
The Basic Basic sling supports the whole body excluding the head, and is suitable for lifting from seated or half-seated positions.
Lifting From Seated or Half-seated

Guldmann Basic Low
The Basic Low sling supports the whole body up to shoulder height, and is suitable for lifting from all patient furniture surfaces.
Lifting From All Patient Surfaces

Guldmann Trainer
The Active Trainer provides support around the chest and shoulder areas. Suitable for walking training and supported standing and upright postures.
Supported Standing & Upright Postures

Guldmann Gait Trainer
The Gait Trainer is a walking sling for users who have sufficient leg strength to stand upright, but need support and to feel safe during training due to reduced balance.
Gait Training
Standing Balance
Treadmill Training

Guldmann Custom Sit On
The Custom Sit On sling supports the thighbone and back, as the user sits on the sling, and is suitable for persons who will be in the sling for long periods.
Supports Thigh & Back

Guldmann Custom Sit On High
The Custom Sit On High sling supports the thighbone, back and head, with added bands fixed across the opening at each side of the sling prevent the user from falling out sideways.
Supports Thighbone, Back and Head

Guldmann Spacer Sit On Slings
The Guldmann Sit-On slings are designed for transfers of users who need to remain sitting on their sling. It supports the thighs and back and is designed to prevent the thighs from rotating inwards during lifts.
Comfortable Spacer Material
SWL 255kg

Guldmann Amputee
The Custom Amputee sling supports the whole body up to shoulder height and the pelvis region and is suitable for both single and double amputees.
Suitable For Single & Double Amputees

Guldmann Kids Basic High
The Kids Basic High sling supports the child's whole body, including the head, and is suitable for children with little head and body control.
For Children with Limited Head Control

Guldmann Kids Basic
The Kids Basic sling supports the whole body excluding the head. The inside belt offers extra support for the body and is suitable for children with and without body control.
Whole Body Support

Guldmann Micro
The Active Micro Plus supports the upper part of the body (from upper pelvis to under the shoulders) around the chest and upper thigh. Suitable for lifting persons with head control, but with reduced muscle strength of the upper part of the body.
Easily Taken On and Off

Guldmann Turner
Facilitates turning of a patient safely and smoothly from one side or other.
Place sling without rolling patient

Guldman Twin Turner
Facilitates turning of a patient safely and smoothly from sides without removing the sling.
Easier access to patient's skin