Guldmann Slings for Four-Point Hangers
Guldmann Four-point Hangers are used when it is needed to change the position of the person whilst lifting (for example, when bathing). Both net and stretch versions are available, with the VIP version allowing a more reclined position compared to the Standard.

Guldmann Standard Sling for Four Point Hanger
Guldmann Net Sling for the 4 Point Hanger, made with Polyester
Change Position Whilst Lifting

Guldmann VIP Net Sling for Four Point Hanger
VIP Net Sling for the 4 Point Hanger, providing a more reclined position than the Standard Net sling
More Reclined Position

Guldmann VIP Stretch Sling for Four Point Hanger
VIP Stretch Sling for the 4 Point Hanger, again made with Polyester
Change Position Whilst Lifting