Guldmann Stepless Lifts
Stepless lifting platforms are intended for lifting people with reduced mobility (e.g. wheelchair users, people with walking difficulties, people with delivery equipment) over level differences of up to 3m. Platform lifts require less space than ramp systems and are therefore ideal in places where ramps would be too steep or too long. Guldmann Stepless platform lifts are often an economical alternative to a lift or a stairlift.
Stepless offers a broad range of accessibility products for use in both private and public buildings. These products include lifting platforms such as the LP1 and LP5 designed to make life easier for users and their caregivers, allowing users to be as independent as possible.

Guldmann Stepless LP1 Steplift
LP1 is a small lifting platform, often used in places where space is limited for level differences of up to 60cm.
Simple To Use
Quiet & Smooth
180kg Capacity

Guldmann Stepless LP5 Steplift
The Guldmann Stepless LP5 is a larger model than the LP1 and has a greater lifting capacity
300kg Capacity
Battery Backup